Pete Searle
Department for Work and PensionsDirector - Private Pensions and Arms Length Bodies
Pete has been the Director for Private Pensions & Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) since October 2019. He leads the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) team advising Ministers on all aspects of private pensions policy. He also manages the relationships with all of the Department’s ALBs, including The Pensions Regulator, Pension Protection Fund and the Health and Safety Executive.
Pete has worked for DWP since joining as an economist in 1987. He has held a broad range of roles, generally focused on policy and strategy. Between September 2012 to September 2019, he was Working Age Benefits Policy Director. He led the Department’s strategy and policy development on Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, and a number of other benefits for working age claimants. He also led the Department’s work in relation to the Scottish Independence Referendum. Prior to that, Pete was DWP’s Director of Planning and Performance Management.